As of July 1, 2023, some of those convicted of eluding now will be eligible for work permits. However, those who are deemed habitual violators, with one of the convictions being eluding, will not be eligible. …
Iowa Supreme Court holds that the 6th Amendment requires a jury to find facts that increase or decrease punishment, if such would be punitive/punishment as part of a criminal case. $150,000 restitution in a death case is punitive, and as such, requires a specific finding that the Defendant caused the death if there is an …
New Legislation 2021
Legislative update for 2021. Click here to review some new laws that went into effect in 2021 …
Takings Clause – Government May Not Require Trespass by Regulation
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that a regulation requiring a property owner to allow others to access his property is a per se physical taking and trespass and gives rise to compensable claim for a taking under the takings clause of the 5th and 14th amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Read the case here …
Supreme Court Limits Broad Reading of Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
During Nathan Van Buren’s time as a police sergeant, he made a deal with a man, Albo. In exchange for $5,000, Van Buren would use the law enforcement computer database to search for a license plate number given to him by Albo. The FBI charged Van Buren with felony violations of the Computer Fraud and …
U.S. Supreme Court Turns Away Loss of Gun Rights Cases …
New Laws
See the link below for bills signed into law in 2021 by the governor, as well as bills under consideration New Laws …
Felons and Jury Duty
The Iowa Supreme Court has ruled that felons who have had their rights restored may participate on juries. …
Information About Applying for a Pardon, Commutation, and Restoration of Firearms Rights See also this link: …
Governor Reynolds Signs Executive Order to Restore Former Felon Voting Rights
On Wednesday, August 6, 2020, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed Executive Order 7, restoring the voting rights of thousands of Iowans who have completed their felony sentences. As per the Governor’s official website, “Iowa’s Constitution currently states that anyone convicted of a felony permanently loses the right to vote or hold public office unless the …
Criminal Fines, Fees and Surcharge Updates as of June 25, 2020
Over the past 10+ years, legal fines have stayed fairly consistent when it came to criminal and juvenile justice systems. On June 25, 2020, Governor Kim Reynolds signed into law Senate File 457 (SF457) which alters criminal fines and fees, modifies some funds and revenue allocations, and includes sections related to restitution ordered in criminal cases. The …
University of Iowa Student Government Lobbying Helps Pass New Immunity Bill
University of Iowa Student Government had been advocating for a medical amnesty bill at Capitol Hill for several years and their efforts for limited immunity finally have paid off. On Thursday, June 25, 2020, Governor Kim Reynolds signed a medical amnesty bill into law that potentially could save many lives, some right here in Iowa City. …